This shirt. I don't know where to begin. It was the subject of a tantrum that resembled that of a three year old, but it also turned out to be the project I am most proud of so far.
So begins the pre-refashion photo shoot. |
I love the soft fabric and pattern of this skirt. It also has awesome pleats which I love.
I wasn't going out to see a friend visiting from out of state like this though. They would question my sanity.
Sometimes I question it... |
Maybe if I wear it like this instead... nope. |
I decided to turn this skirt into a shirt which, lookin back, I probably shouldn't have done without a dress form. That would have saved a lot of frustration.
But since that isn't in the budget right now, I decided to guesstimate. Let the bumpy ride begin.
First I tried on the skirt with the waistband around my neck and the bottom opening around my waist. I pinned where I though the arm pit should be/ where the seam for the armhole should begin.
Next I spread the skirt flat {as possible with all those pleats} and inside-out on the floor. I pinned from my armpit pin {haha} all the way down to the bottom hem. Then, using the same starting point {armpit pin, haha again} I ran a line of pins down the hem a few inches to the inside of the first line. Confused yet? Here's a pic:
It kinda creates a triangle. See? |
I did this on both sides. Then I ran the line of pins through my machine. After, I made two big cuts right in between my rows of pins. See there this is going???
Now I had somewhat of a shirt in the sense that it had a neck hole and places for my arms to fit through. It's still didn't look very good though.
I chopped off some length from the bottom and from the sleeves, but still wasn't happy with it {insert toddler tantrum here}.
I made the sleeves too tight.... Grrr. There is nothing more annoying that stifling sleeves, except Publix not having your favorite flavor of Ben and Jerry's icecream {which is Peanut Butter World, just FYI}. I decided to cut the sleeves along the shoulder to open them up a bit.
Like so. Snippin', ziggin' and zaggin' |
I ran a zigzag stitch over the edges to keep it from fraying. At this point I thought I was done. I wore it out in public like this:
Not horrible, but I was still a little disappointed. I decided to just risk it big and rip off the waist band/ new collar completely. Also, what's with that baby sash?
I sewed the new neckline right back down. I also used some of the left over fabric to make my sash an appropriate length.
All finished! This is definitely the refashion that I have worked the most on. I think it paid off. I am so proud of my new top.
Off to Downtown Disney with the hubs.
"We are by the Lego statue of Woody. Where are you?" |
Can't wait for Spencer to arrive!
Even the free parts of Disney are magical |
Much fun was had by all.
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