Saturday, June 19, 2010


I'm only getting to come to an internet cafe once a week, if that, so I'll be posting several times whenever I can get on.
The first city we were in was mainly the location where we did intense cultural and M*WORK training. The first non travel day we got in groups of four, were given a list of Indian things that we didn't know what they were and some Rupees, and were dropped off in one of the most crowded streets in the city. Our leaders told us to purchase all the things on the list, not speaking the language, then grab a rickshaw ride to a restaurant in the area. whichever group bargained the best and spent the least won. Lets just say that my group didn't win. We met a few nice people along the way though. They looked at us like the stupid Americans that we are and laughed as they tried to make hand motions for all the objects on our list. My team of four kept quoting "David Goes to the Dentist" because everything seemed so surreal(Go youtube it, and it will make more sense).
The next day we bought clothes for the remainder of our trip on the same street that we were thrown into the day before. We were again without leaders. I'm glad we got a taste of the city the day before so we wouldn't be completely culture shocked when it actually mattered. We learned what hand motions are bad and which ones are acceptable. Thumbs up is good, so I'm sticking with that, so I don't get too confused. We got a brief squatty potty lesson which I haven't put into practice yet. Everywhere we have stay has had a western toilet. Thank goodness! But, Dad, i haven't forgotten about your request. I'm keeping a photo diary of all the places I've been going to the bathroom- just for you. Get excited!
The Sunday we were there we went to church which was surprisingly like the ones in America. The day before we left we had story telling class. We learned how to tell stories from the GOOD BOOK that would translate across cultures. We were taught how to get in random conversations with people without being awkward and how to bring up the stories we want to share by weaving them into normal conversation. We learned how to connect our personal story with stories from the GOOD BOOK. It was one of the most useful trainings I've ever had. But, by the end of the week, I was ready to get to work!

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