Saturday, June 19, 2010


One big thing that DAD has been teaching me is the importance of community here. I'm staying with 18 girls. The only way to do that is to have extreme patience and be selfless. Something that my sister told me that I have tried to keep in mind on several occasions is to remember that I don't know what kind of day the other person has been having, so I should let things slide more easily; and they, also, may not know what kind of day I have been having, and they probably didn't mean for whatever they said to be taken so personal. I'm practicing living with grace, though I'm definitely far from perfection.
I've also learned that trying to keep everything inside so I don't cause "drama" isn't always a good thing. Community is for sharing each others burdens. If you never speak what you are having troubles with, then no one knows how to p*** for you. I learned this the hard way the other day. I woke up in the not best mood for no reason at all. I was easily irritated and kept comparing myself to my team mates all day. I didn't tell anyone until my leader pulled me aside that night. As soon as i told her, I felt like a weight was lifted. She p***ed for me, and I was suddenly released from being a grouch. I'm so thankful for the girls on my team who are not willing to take the "I'm fine" cover up as an answer.
I love all the girls in my group, and the only way that we have been able to connect so well so quickly is because we are all here for one goal and are striving for one purpose. That is true unity.

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