This isn't a metaphor for anything. It really happened. I got hit by a bus on Tuesday, literally. We were walking down the side of the street to get to lunch, and I had my rain jacket hood up. I couldn't hear anything that was going on behind me,including the sound of the bus horn. The bus apparently didn't have enough room, since traffic was three cars wide on a two lane road, so it decided to scootch over a bit. Now, mom, before you freak out. I'm fine. I didn't even get knocked to the ground, but my right shoulder was a bit of sore.
I don't have a super long story to tie into that one at all. I just thought it would be a great blog title and a completely unrelated intro to my next post.
One thing (among many) that has surprised me about this trip is how much I would be using music. I don't really consider myself having all that great of a voice, and my guitar skills leave much to be desired. But, I have been semi forced to lead worship for our group, several church services, and a leadership training session where I knew no one. I've been learning that DAD certainly does work through our weaknesses. Probably one of my favorite times that I got to us music was yesterday (Friday)at preschool. Through out the day, I had two little kids who were crying because they missed their dads (which hasn't happened since the first week of class)and one little girl who was sick and looked miserable.

I set them in my lap and started rocking them and singing to them and got them to stop crying. That has to be one of the greatest feelings in the world. It also made me understand why we were working at the preschool a little bit more. None of us thought we would be working in a preschool and were having a hard time with it, but that, in a sense, calmed my spirit about where we have been placed. We are right where we are supposed to be.
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